
Helexo Greek Foods!!!
After continuous demand for quality food & beverages products in Germany, Helexo Greek Wines Beer and Spirits and its business arm ‘’Helexo Greek Foods’’ located in Thessaloniki Greece, performed a strategic alliance with Papaspanos Nikos Imports company initiated in Karlsruhe. A non-equity strategic alliance was created at the beginning of 2020 and the two companies pool their resources and capabilities together with passion and commitment to supply healthy, top quality and value for money products from Greece to Germany and central Europe. Helexo only acts as an exclusive supplier from Greece to Germany and elsewhere. We love what we are doing that is obvious in our services and products. The helexo.de website is dedicated only to communicate this effort and is powered from Helexo Greece.
From 2024 a new business arm for Helexo was created to support Greek wineries offering premium private transfers. More details can be found at the follwing link https://www.northerngreecetransfers.com .
High Quality Products
Satisfacted Customers
For the moment our service has to be paid in cash, on the delivery.
Send us an email (you can find our contact information on the footer section, underneath). Please, send us basic information like: name, cell phone, a brief review about your business & website.